Use Garlic to Fight off a Cold

Garlic has long been known to stimulate the immune system and has been used in medicinal practices for centuries in Asia. It is said to possess several antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can be beneficial in preventing and treating colds.
A study found that those who did catch a cold while taking garlic were more likely to make speedier recoveries than those who were not. Why?
Well, it’s all down to a chemical compound in garlic called allicin. Allicin provides the defense that helps keep garlic plants healthy; and this plant defender also fights viruses in humans.
During the season when you’re surrounded by colds, consume between 1 and 2 whole cloves of garlic every day to help boost the immune system and to keep you from getting a cold. If cold symptoms do appear, take a larger dose – 1 -2 cloves, three times a day. Fresh is best, but there is no need to store your garlic in the fridge, a dry, cool area works well.
A garlic tea may boost your body’s disease-fighting power and soothe your sore throat and cough.
How to Prepare Garlic Tea to Treat Colds
Finely chop cloves of garlic. (By doing this, you’re activating the allicin in garlic that will combat the cold virus.)
Add the finely chopped garlic to boiling water.
Allow it to steep for a few minutes.
Allow the tea to cool before you drink it. (It will taste better warm rather than cold.)
CAUTION: Do not take garlic on its own for more than three months. It is a medicine with lots of positive side effects, and could cause over-reaction if taken for too long on its own. If garlic is used regularly in cooking, always cook it with onions.
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