Can Cloves Soothe Your Toothache?

Clove buds come from the clove tree and are dried. It is a common spice, used to warm chai tea and mulled drinks, and is an ingredient in gingerbread.
Besides this, cloves work as an antiviral, anti-fungal and have stimulating properties. That’s why they are used for helping with a variety of health issues like toothache, indigestion, cough, asthma, stress, sore gums and mouth ulcers.
Cloves contain eugenol, which is a strong anesthetic. It also works as an antiseptic to help kill germs that could lead to an infection. That’s why cloves are also effective against cavities and clove oil is often added to dental products like mouthwash and toothpastes. Dentists also mix clove oil with zinc oxide and use it as a temporary filling to calm the nerve of the tooth.
If you have a toothache put a few cloves buds in your mouth close to the painful area and try and keep them there for 30 minutes. After a few moments the cloves will soften and then you can chew them a little. The affected area will go numb and the pain reduces. Leave in place until the pain has subsided.
The benefit of using whole cloves is that you may have them readily available in your kitchen cupboard. Alternatively, you can get clove powder, or oil of cloves from a herbalist or some health shops. If using oil, make sure you dilute it (e.g. with some olive oil) otherwise it is too strong. You can use a cotton bud to apply it specifically to the affected area.
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